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10 foods that reduce menopause hot flashes

The arrival of menopauseIn most cases, it is a normal and natural body change that almost always occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. that triggers a whole series of processes physiological and emotional. The alteration of the menstrual cycle leads to other modifiestions As the sleep cycle, changes in the dermis and the appearance of hot flashes and chills.

These biological changes alter the levels of numerous substances, including, for example, cortisol, the stress hormone and serotonin, known as the happiness hormone. Responsible for improving mood, facilitating sleep and reducing hot flashes. Most serotonin is made in the digestive system.

The hormonal changes that occur as a consequence of decreased estrogen production, cause mood swings and increased irascibility and irritability.

Health experts advise reducing the symptoms caused by menopause with phytoestrogens, which are polyphenols similar to estrogens and that can be found in the flax, legumes and sesameamong others.

Also it is convenient during this time consume healthy fats like avocado, nuts or seeds.

ANDthese are the 10 foods that help combat symptoms of menopause.


It is better to eat it green than ripe due to its richness in starch, capable of reducing blood sugar spikes and contributes to a varied and healthy intestinal microbiota. Your tryptophan promotes the formation of serotoninthe happiness hormone that promotes sleep.


The fiber of apple is related to elevated levels of intestinal bacteria that produce equol, a compound produced in the intestinal flora, thanks to bacteria like clostridium leptum. The interesting thing about this compound is that it allows metabolize isoflavones, phytoestrogens present in some foods that help compensate for the lack of female estrogens and relieve hot flashes. take it in raw, with skin and organic.


These small fruitsthey carry lignans that, together with the isoflavonesare one of the main groups of phytoestrogens that compensate for the lack of estrogen in this phase of a woman’s life.

lace strawberriesalong with apples, are the fruits that most pesticides accumulate in the skin, pThat is why it is advisable to take them organic or wash them very well.


It’s a food very interesting to relieve hot flashes due to its content in resveratrola polyphenol that is also abundant in blueberries. Resveratrol has action anti-inflammatory and reduces menopausal symptoms.

Blue Fish

High in eithermega 3, el salmon waves sardines They are recommended in case of hot flashes. These healthy fats have an effect anti-inflammatory which helps reduce hot flashes.


They are the dried fruit with the highest contribution of Omega 3. If you follow a diet rich in these fatty acids, you will be less susceptible to hot flashes. Omega 3s contribute to cardiovascular health. We need to remember that the reduction of estrogen in menopause increases the risk of heart attack in women.

Flax and sesame seeds

TOIn addition to providing omega 3, flax seeds are the food richest in lignans, a phytoestrogen. After flax, the sesame is he second food with more content in lignans. can be consumed sprinkled on yogurts or creams, or added on bread, pizzas or cakes…


The fibers contained in peas help intestinal bacteria produce equol, thus helping the foods we consume rich in isoflavones or lignans, which are phytoestrogens, to be better assimilated.

In this way, the impact of the decrease in estrogen due to the cessation of ovarian activity will not generate as many symptoms, including hot flashes.

Alcohol-free beer

Always non-alcoholic beer is rich in flavonoids that contribute to the regulation of estrogen so necessary in menopause.


Licorice increases serotonin levels, improving mood. Whether in infusion or even chewing or sucking the root of the plant, it increases blood pressure, which is why it is contraindicated in women with hypertension.

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