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Body fat in women: how to get rid of it?

According to the European Health Survey, in Spain 15.5% of women appear obese. A percentage that increases even more between 35 and 75 years old, when it rises to 30.6%. Worrying figures that continue to highlight the importance of including the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle in your daily life.

But in the case of women that reduction in body fat percentage It becomes even more complicated, precisely because of our higher levels of estrogen. Even so, we challenge you not to give up and continue fighting for a healthy weight with these tips that will help you reduce body fat and invest in your muscle mass. Take note.

Why do women have a higher percentage of body fat?

There are several reasons why women have a higher body fat percentage than men. But one of the main reasons is found in the hormonal differences. And women have higher levels of estrogen, something that can contribute to greater accumulation of body fat.

In short, to lose body fat it is necessary to plan a diet in which there is less fat and more protein. We must reduce the consumption of nutrients such as fats and sugars and increase the content of vegetable and animal proteins. Furthermore, it is very important to enjoy a good break and have constant hydration. Without forgetting to change a sedentary lifestyle for a daily exercise routine, even if it is inside the home.

It is true that fat is a very important component for the body. However, only if we have it in the healthy levels. By complying with the recommended diet and exercise we should not have any problems.

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