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Causes of Otitis Externa

In people with a history of Otitis or diseases of the skin of the external auditory canal or with diseases of the scalp, prophylactic attic solutions can be used before or after immersing in swimming pools or bathing in rivers or the sea.

Factors that affect the structures of the ear

Water that enters the ear can carry bacteria or fungi.. Normally the water comes out and the ear dries up, without causing any problem, but sometimes the water persists in the ear canal, macerating it and allowing these external agents, or even others that normally live in the ear, to cause a Otitis Externa.

In this type of Otitis, an acute and a chronic form of presentation must be distinguished; generally, there is previously an alteration of the skin of the duct associated with Eczema, Dandruff, Seborrhea or Psoriasis. Another predisposing factor is Dermal Laceration induced by the terrible habit of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs or “cotton applicators” that have the opposite effect, since the ear that normally cleans itself by secreting dead skin and earwax cells to the outside, These are now introduced again by the cleaning maneuver with the applicators, sending them inward until they form true plugs.

Cosmetics, hairsprays or fixatives, as well as hair dyes can cause real damage. Allergic Dermatoses contact or secondary when used on the scalp.

Fungus on the skin of the external ear canal

If you feel moisture in your ear or notice that water has entered and not come out, causing a sensation of a clogged ear after swimming, washing your hair or showering, tilt your head to one side and move the pinna back and up. and try to move your head to the sides, trying to facilitate the release of the retained water. You can also use a hair dryer, which in some cases can be useful. The use of drops with different compositions, most of them contain alcohol, when it evaporates it absorbs water helping the ear to dry out, these really have a weak effect antifungal and antibacterial. It must be taken into account that, If the ear is pierced or we have a history of surgery, we must first consult the Specialist to find out if the use of ear drops is safe..

In people with a history of Otitis or skin diseases of the external auditory canal or with scalp diseases, they can be used. prophylactic attic solutions, before or after immersing in swimming pools or bathing in rivers or sea.

The persistence of moisture due to secretions in the ear is one of the problems that causes the most concern and frustration for those who suffer from it and their loved ones. This condition can occur in cases of Otitis Externa, also called swimmer’s ear or Swimming pool otitis.

Pruritus “scratching or itching”

This is a common and annoying symptomgenerally represents an altered condition of the skin of the external auditory canal, ranging from lack of polish to the absence of earwax, due to the learned and obsessive habit of cleaning the ears internally, and even mistreating the canal by leaving waste of soap and shampoo in it.

Remember that chronic Otitis Externa, fungus and the Dermatitis with dandruff and seborrhea are frequent causes of itching or scratching in the ear. Fortunately, today we have the possibility of using ear solutions that relieve and eliminate this annoying symptom in the ear. as long as you change your cleaning habits.