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Colonoscopy, method for the prevention of Colon Cancer

Most colonoscopies are performed to prevent Colon Cancer, it is the ideal method for detecting and removing colon polyps.


It’s a method to explore the colon or large intestine. A device (colonoscope) is used that has a video camera and allows biopsies to be taken, polyps removed or prostheses placed in tumors.

Taking the exam

The colonoscope is introduced through the anus, with which the entire large intestine and the end of the small intestine are explored and visualized. (ileum). For the examination to be effective, a cleansing of the intestine is carried out beforehand. It is an uncomfortable examination so it must be performed under sedation so that the patient is comfortable..

It is used for the diagnosis of colon diseases such as tumors, ColitisDiarrhea, Constipation, Bleeding, etc.

Why is colonoscopy used to prevent Colon Cancer?

Most colonoscopies are performed to prevent colon cancer.. Is he ideal method for the detection and removal of Colon Polyps. The polyps They are lesions of the colonic mucosa (like warts) that can grow and degenerate into Colon Cancer. Colorectal Cancer prevention programs are based on the detection and removal of Polyps when they are still benign and do not cause symptoms.

How should you prepare for a Colonoscopy?

Currently, colon cleansing guidelines have been simplified.. In most cases it is enough to 24 hours on a liquid diet with clear liquids and two sachets of a laxative preparation that can be taken on the same day of the test.

What does it feel like during and after Colonoscopy?

When performing the examination with sedation, the patient does not have any discomfort. Behind the Colonoscopy You may have discomfort related to the retention of some of the air that is introduced to see.

Alternative to Colonoscopy to explore the intestine

Virtual Colonoscopy or Colography is a reconstruction of the colon made by CT. Like Colonoscopy, it requires prior cleaning and the introduction of air. The most important limitation is that it does not allow biopsies or removal of polyps.