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Consequences of a perforated eardrum

The newly perforated eardrum could recover on its own in two to three months, only if the size of the perforation is small and if there is no infection or other aggravating factor associated, then the goals of initial treatment are to keep the ear dry thus preventing infection.

What are the functions of the Eardrum?

He Perforated Eardrum is the tympanic membrane rupture. The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear and vibrates when hit by sound waves, beginning the process that converts sound waves into nerve impulses that travel to the brain. When the eardrum is damaged, the auditory process.

The eardrum also acts as a barrier that prevents external materialslike bacteria, penetrate the middle ear, but when it is perforated, bacteria easily travel to the middle ear causing an infection.

The Otorhinolaryngologist will specify the details in a perforated ear through a diagnostic video Endoscopy, he will even be able to partially observe the ossicles of the middle ear, the state of the mucosal lining, if there is an added infection (acute or chronic otitis) he will easily visualize secretions or drainage from the ear. (pus). An Audiometry exam will quantify the hearing lossn.

Treatment for Perforated Eardrum

The recently perforated eardrum could recover on its own in two or three months, only if the size of the perforation is small and if there is no infection or other aggravating factor associated, then The goals of initial treatment are to keep the ear dry, thus preventing infection.

They must be used antibiotics if there is presence of infection, perform dressings under a microscope to evacuate contaminated secretions from the ear and allow drops to be instilledwhich are generally preparations.

Custom-made ear protectors and tight-fitting elastic bands are indicated to make visiting beaches and swimming pools possible.

Causes, incidence and risk factors

Damage to the Eardrum can occur as a result of a trauma, due to a direct injury or Barotrauma (damage caused by sudden changes in pressure). Insertion of cotton-tipped applicators or small objects; (foreign objects) in the ear to clean it Sometimes it causes perforation of the eardrum.

Ear infections can cause a rupture of the eardrum when fluid is produced inside the ear (middle ear), generating an increase in internal pressure that can burst the tympanic membrane, A ruptured eardrum can cause ear infections, since the eardrum is no longer intact and bacteria can enter the middle ear.

The Tympanoplasty It is the surgical procedure that closes the defect in the tympanic membrane. It is performed with the patient’s own tissue and restores the auditory sound conduction mechanism.

Situations that require assistance from Otorhinolaryngology

  • If symptoms indicate that the eardrum is perforated
  • If the problem is diagnosed and symptoms persist for more than two months, despite medical treatment
  • If a diagnosis of a perforated eardrum is made and drainage, including persistent fever, is detected, Vertigotinnitus and hearing impairment