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Depression in women: 7 things you need to know

Depression goes far beyond feeling sad. The reality of this mood disorder, increasingly common in today’s societyis that it can cause serious symptoms and even affect the way we think, feel or even how we carry out our daily tasks.

But Did you know that depression is an increasingly common disorder in women than in men? In fact, according to the World Health Organization, women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men.

A higher risk of depression commonly associated with biological factors, hormonal changes, pregnancy, postpartum depression, hereditary characteristics, as well as life circumstances and experiences, anxiety problems, eating disorders…

Regarding its symptoms, depression is characterized by a low mood and feelings of sadness, associated with behavioral alterations. Symptoms that can end up leading to anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, lack of interest or pleasure in doing different activities… But what about in the case of women? Below we detail 7 things you need to know about depression in women.

7 things you need to know about depression in women

  1. Some types of depression are exclusive to women

    Pregnancy, postpartum, menstruation, perimenopause… All these periods typical of the female organism involve drastic physical and hormonal changes. Moments in the different stages of a woman’s life, which can end up leading to depression. A depression that each woman will experience differentlysince the symptoms and duration in the case of suffering from it vary from one woman to another depending on each person and the severity of the depression.

  2. Cultural factors also influence depression in women

    Both cultural and educational factors greatly influence the greater possibility of suffering from depression in the case of women. Increasingly internalized gender stereotypes such as the feeling of guilt, assuming roles of caregiver, savior or multitasking person, among others, often cause depression in women. is associated with the overload of obligations and responsibilities with few rewards. A feeling that in the long run can end up leading to anxiety and depression.

  3. The most characteristic symptoms of depression in women are…

    Anhedonia is known as one of the most characteristic signs when a woman suffers from depression. This sign is about a kind of inability to experience pleasure or enjoy things.. A common symptom that is also often combined with the feeling of guilt.

    The rest of the most common symptoms, which in this case are also shared with men, are usually: intense sadness, weight loss, insomnia, agitation, fatigue or loss of energy, difficulty concentrating or indecision. , recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, in the most serious cases.

  4. Depression can hurt

    Although it is the best-known symptom, the truth is that sadness is only a small part of depression and in fact not all people with depression experience it. But Did you know that depression can also be associated with many physical symptoms? We are talking about headaches, cramps, digestive problems, but also problems sleeping, waking up in the morning or feeling excessively tired, among many others.

    If you have recently been experiencing one or more of the symptoms detailed below, you may be suffering from depression. If you suspect this may be the case for you, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Only in this way can you rule out any physical problem and be closer to your recovery and mental and physical well-being.

    • Sad mood or persistent feeling of emptiness

    • Pessimism and feeling of hopelessness

    • Feeling of guilt and lack of motivation

    • Irritability

    • Feeling of fatigue and low energy

    • Difficulty falling asleep or feeling like you’re sleeping too much

    • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy

    • Feeling restless

    • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

    • Weight and appetite changes

    • Recurrent thoughts about death or suicide

    • Discomfort or body pain without a clear cause and that is not relieved

  5. Greater risk during the fertile stage

    Depression in women can appear at different stages of life, but it is precisely during the fertile stage when they are much more exposed to suffering from it. In fact, from childhood to puberty the possibility of suffering from depression is the same in women as in men. It is from puberty when the possibility of suffering from depressive disorder begins to grow, the peak being around 40 years old.

  6. Suffering from depression as an adult can increase other pathologies

    The depressive disorders suffered by older women are usually associated with anxiety and are usually They are also often linked to other ailments. But it has also been proven that suffering from depression at these ages can also increase heart pathologies, cancer, diabetes or dementia, among others.

  7. Depression can be treated

    Even the most severe cases of depression can be treated, either through medications, psychotherapy, or through a combination of both. Don’t forget that depression affects each person differently and this is the main reason why there is no single treatment that can be applied equally to all people. So it may be necessary to make several attempts until you find the treatment that works best for the affected person.

    In any case, if you think you may be suffering from depression, do not hesitate to seek professional help and do not forget that it is a very common problem with treatment, from which it is always possible to get out.

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