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Diabetes Is Spread Through Saliva

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world. Although it is believed that it is not spread through saliva, it is important to know the risk factors and lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent it.

How can diabetes be transmitted?

Diabetes is not a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted from one person to another. Although some studies suggest that type 1 diabetes can be triggered by environmental factors such as viruses, most people who develop it have an inherited genetic predisposition.

How does your mouth feel when you have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, it is important to regularly check your mouth for possible problems. Some people may notice that their gums are swollen and bleed when brushing or flossing. Others may experience dryness, pain, white patches, or a bad taste in their mouth. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you see a dentist.

How does diabetes affect women’s sexuality?

Diabetes can negatively affect sexual desire and the ability to enjoy intimate relationships. For women, vaginal dryness can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable and even painful. This can be caused by nerve damage, decreased blood flow, medications, and hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause.

If you are experiencing any sexual problems, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may offer you options ranging from using vaginal lubricants to performing exercises that can improve your sexual response.

What do lips look like when you have diabetes?

If you experience dry mouth, it may feel sticky. You may also notice bad breath and the appearance of mouth sores, chapped lips, especially in the corners, and a dry throat. Additionally, she may have difficulty speaking. Some people with dry mouth also experience excessive thirst. Other symptoms to look out for are sore throat, hoarse voice, and dry, swollen tongue. It is important to note that each person may experience some or most of these symptoms, as they vary from person to person.

How to do a home test to find out if I have diabetes?

Signs of diabetes include increased thirst and urination, increased appetite, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness or tingling in the extremities, ulcers that do not heal, and unexplained weight loss. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes can appear quickly within a few weeks, while the symptoms of type 2 diabetes usually develop slowly over several years and may be so mild that they go unnoticed. Many people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms and only become aware of their condition when diabetes-related complications arise, such as vision or heart problems.

What does diabetes cause in the mouth?

If blood sugar levels are high, they will also be high in saliva. Bacteria present in dental plaque, a sticky substance, feed on this sugar. Some of these bacteria can cause tooth decay and gum disease. If tooth decay is not treated, it can lead to tooth loss.

For people with diabetes, gum disease may be more severe and take longer to heal. Additionally, if you have gum disease, it may be more difficult to control your diabetes.

This is a general summary of how diabetes can affect oral health.

You may experience a decrease in saliva production, which can cause your mouth to feel dry. Some medications can also cause dry mouth. Additionally, your gums may become swollen and bleed frequently, which are signs of gum disease. Oral infections may take longer to heal.

How many times do you urinate when you have diabetes?

Symptoms that a child with diabetes may present include the need to urinate frequently and in large quantities, excessive thirst and consumption of plenty of fluids, increased appetite, and unintentional weight loss. Additionally, you may experience fatigue. When blood sugar levels are high, some of this excess sugar is eliminated through urine, known as glycosuria. For glucose to be eliminated through urine, it needs to be dissolved in large amounts of water, resulting in greater elimination of water through urine. These symptoms are characteristic of diabetes. A person with diabetes may urinate frequently and in large quantities, even at night. It is common for them to start wetting the bed at night after having retained urine for a while. To compensate for the loss of water through urine, the child becomes thirsty and drinks plenty of fluids. Additionally, due to a lack of insulin, cells cannot use glucose as a source of energy, leading the child to overeat to try to compensate. However, despite eating more, the body’s cells still do not receive enough energy from glucose. As a result, cells extract energy from fats, producing acetone and ketone bodies as waste, which are also eliminated through urine. Despite eating more, the child with diabetes still does not have enough energy and must mobilize fat reserves, which leads to weight loss and fatigue.

What is the urine of people with diabetes like?

Thomas Willis (1621-1675) was an English physician who played a pivotal role in the history of anatomy, physiology, and neurology. He pioneered neuroanatomical research and in 1662 was one of the founders of the Royal Society. Willis conducted an experiment in which he dipped his fingers in the urine of a diabetic patient and tasted it. This simple act had a great importance in the knowledge of the diabetic disease.

Although doctors such as Sushruta in India and Avicenna in the Arab world had pointed out the taste of urine as a sign of diabetes, no one in Western countries had tested urine to diagnose the disease. Feeling the sweet taste on his palate was an extraordinary discovery not only for Willis, but for all of Western medicine.

In his work “Pharmaceutice rationalis” published between 1674 and 1675, Willis attempts to explain the mechanism of action of medications in the digestive system, blood and organs. He studies different types of medications, including diuretics, and mentions for the first time the sweet taste that urine sometimes has. Although he cannot explain why this occurs, his description is considered the first European description of saccharine diabetes, an important topic in chemical pathology. In addition, detailed descriptions of the structure of the stomach, respiratory system and blood vessels are found in his work.

Willis was a rigorous pioneer in several fields of medicine and was the author of the first descriptions of the arteries at the base of the brain. In relation to diabetes, Willis claimed that the patient’s urine was as sweet as honey and predicted that the patient would weaken, fall asleep, and eventually die.

Thanks to his analytical method, Willis managed to establish two types of diabetes: diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by sweet urine and affected the majority of patients at that time, and diabetes insipidus, which was characterized by marked thirst and an abundant excretion of urine without a sweet taste. Willis stated that diabetes was related to blood and not kidney weakness, as was believed at the time. Time proved him right and his suspicions were confirmed by the research of Matthew Dobson a century later.


Your mouth may feel dry and have a metallic taste when you have diabetes. The disease can cause gum problems and increase the risk of oral infections.

Diabetes can cause dry mouth and increase the risk of oral infections. Lips may look dry and chapped due to lack of hydration.

Diabetes is not transmitted from person to person. It is a chronic disease that develops due to lack of production or response to insulin in the body.

The urine of people with diabetes may contain high levels of glucose, which can make it stickier and have a sweet smell.

You cannot do a home test to know if you have diabetes. It is necessary to see a doctor and perform blood glucose tests to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

People with diabetes may urinate more frequently due to the need to remove excess glucose from the blood through urine.

Diabetes can affect a woman’s sexuality by causing problems with vaginal lubrication, decreased sexual desire, and difficulties achieving orgasm. It is important to seek medical help to address these problems.

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