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Eyelid and Eyebrow Surgery

The main reason why patients seek Eyelid or Eyebrow Surgery is aging.

Eyelid and Eyebrow Surgeries are known as Oculopalpebral Frame Surgeries.. Each one has its own indications, but they are covered in the same topic, since they are usually carried out simultaneously, which is the most logical thing when thinking about the rejuvenation of this area.

On the contrary, it produces a somewhat strange appearance in a patient when only the upper or lower eyelids are rejuvenated, leaving the others with an aged or tired appearance, or similarly when the eyebrows are not repositioned, leaving a limitation for the correction of the eyelids such as I will explain it later.

Surgeries that include this type of procedures include Upper Blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery), Lower Blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery), External Canthoplasty (Surgery of the lateral angle of the eyelids), Eyebrow Elevation or Ciliopexy, Eyelid Ptosis Correction (elevation of a drooping eyelid) and Frontoplasty (correction of forehead tissues with elevation of eyebrows).

The most common combination of these procedures is Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty (operating on all four eyelids) and Brow Lift with Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty.

The reason for performing several of these surgeries simultaneously, that is, at the same surgical time, is because the soft tissues around the eyes age or are modified by some diseases simultaneously.

It is very unusual to find individuals whose aging or deterioration of appearance is limited to only a portion of those mentioned, even though it is common for the patient to only suffer or feel greater discomfort due to the appearance of one part. It is common to find patients who only undergo upper or lower Blepharoplasty and then realize that they required both in order to achieve the desired appearance.

It is the duty of the Facial Plastic Surgeon to explain to the patient the entire relationship of these structures and how operating one affects the appearance of the others and the patient with this knowledge can make the best decision that he considers according to his expectations and possibilities.

Candidates for Eyelid Surgery

Anyone who perceives that their gaze does not reflect their true state of mind or health is a candidate. to correct your eyelids or eyebrows regardless of your age. The main complaints of these patients are “I look tired”, “everyone asks me if I have cried or if I am sick”, “they ask me if I have slept badly”, “they tell me why I seem short-tempered or bored all the time”.

The main reason why patients seek Eyelid or Eyebrow Surgery is aging.. The point is that the eyelids, and especially the upper ones, have the thinnest skin in our entire body and that skin sits on one of the most active muscles we have, called the orbicularis muscle, which contracts thousands of times every day, these Two factors among others are responsible for the eyelids beginning to age before the rest of the facial structures. Around 35 to 40 years is the age of greatest presentation of our patients. Although they can be operated on at an older age, the quality of the skin will not generate the same long-term result as when corrected at the ideal time.

Although these surgeries produce a lot of inflammation due to the thin thickness of the skin in the area, they are not painful as explained by the patients themselves and are managed with very low doses of acetaminophen. The bruises (ecchymoses) usually persist for one or a maximum of two weeks and during this period and even beyond, the patient must wear sunglasses to avoid undesirable skin pigmentation (spots). Since it is not painful and the inflammation subsides in the first week, patients return to their activities after this period as long as they use protection with sunglasses. Physical activity can be restarted between the second and third week as well. and patients can wear makeup from 8 days onwards once the sutures are removed.

In those patients in whom the position of the eyebrows has been corrected, the evolution and recovery time are the same as in eyelid surgery.