Five absurd ideas that affect our erotic and sexual lives
There are ideas about sex that negatively affect us. They are myths that spread from generation to generation, from bar to bar, from chat to chat… and they produce the opposite effect to the desired one: they cut us off. To many and many. Well, perhaps the time has come to provide a new point of view to those obsolete ideas:
You have to fuck long. That is, for a long time. Some woman finally said in the middle of the 20th century: “We want orgasms too!” And each of us set ourselves the task of trying to get them… in the style of men. That is, through penetration. Thus, the issue of fucking began to drag on because almost eighty percent of women do not achieve orgasm through this method in which the clitoris is literally left out of play.
And then came the time of, again literally, endless and irritating scrubbing. Solution? Fake the orgasm, since it seems obligatory to have it. I am surprised to see the number of women who do it to put an end to tedious intercourse.
The antidote:
Less fucking and more having fun.
In penetration, men take the active role and women the passive, since they limit themselves to receiving. Mistake. In penetration, men penetrate and women welcome, receive, hug, and surround the man’s penis in their vagina. Without this active attitude (pardon the redundancy) of welcome, it is very difficult to penetrate. Without this active attitude of welcome during penetration… we are talking about raping.
The antidote:
Forget about male and female roles and focus on celebrating the intimate encounter with the other.
“If you loved me, you would do it for me.” Love as an argument for not working on something important: awakening the other’s desire. If you want your partner to give you fellatio, seduce her. When you feel like sleeping with her, seduce her. Do you feel like trying something exotic but she doesn’t? Seduce her. Do not ask; seduces Don’t propose; creates the right environment. What makes you lazy to seduce? Well, don’t complain when your partner is too lazy to please you. Quid pro quo.
The antidote:
If you want to receive, you will have to give. Relationships need that balance, otherwise we find ourselves in a father or mother-child relationship where desire slowly dies…
Orgasm is the measure of pleasure. No, the orgasm is the measure of excitement, which is not the same as pleasure, nor desire, nor love. If you have an orgasm it is because you have become very excited. If you have become very excited it is because you have summoned the stimuli that excite you. Just because you don’t have an orgasm doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t like the person you’re sleeping with or that you don’t want them or want them. It means that you have not known or wanted to look, imagine, feel, suck, say, touch, etc. all that that bothers you so much.
The antidote:
Less orgasms and more fun.
If it excites you to imagine it, it excites you to do it.. The good thing about fantasizing is that everything happens to your liking, and that is exactly what excites you. Just because a woman feels like imagining being raped does not mean that she wants to be raped. Just because a man fantasizes about a homosexual relationship does not mean that he really wants it. Mentally recreating yourself with an orgy is not synonymous with wanting to join it. It just indicates that imagining it is exciting.
The antidote:
The fantasy goes to its ball, face it. In fact, your fantasy is probably much freer than you are. Leave it to its own devices and allow yourself those breaths of fresh air that bring you so much joy.
Conclusion: There are many stupid ideas around sex that only ruin your party. It is almost always about impositions and indoctrinations with the excuse of your liberation as an argument. Don’t pay attention. Do things your way and don’t let anything or anyone get into the intimacy of your life as a couple.
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