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How to minimize the pores on your face?

We know that completely close open pores It is an impossible mission, but did you know that you can minimize them? And no, we are not talking about expensive aesthetic treatments, but about a series of natural remedies, allied cosmetic products and skin cleansing and hydration care available to everyone.

A series of gestures with which you can minimize those annoying open pores and unsightly blackheads.

Precisely if you dream of showing off nuanced, luminous skin with minimized pores, below we give you some of the keys to achieve it. What are you waiting for to put them into practice?

What are open pores?

Open or enlarged pores are one of the most common skin problems and these can appear on the face for many different reasons ranging from excess oil in the skin, stress, makeup, pollution, sun exposure…

But whatever the reason why these small “holes” appear on the face, the reality is that together they give the appearance of more aged and dull skin.

But what really is the function of these pores? Its function is precisely one of the most important, since each pore contains a hair follicle and sebaceous glands and it is precisely the sebum that these produce that is responsible for Our skin stay hydrated.

This means that when a pore is healthy, it ensures the hydration that our skin needs, but when, on the contrary, there is excessive or insufficient sebum production, that is when we are really talking about oily or dry skin.

What causes them to open?

As we mentioned at the beginning, enlarged pores can appear for many different reasons, some of them related to our own body and others with external reasons. Depending on the cause, it will be more or less easy to treat and minimize them.

Among the internal factors are:

  • Aging and loss of elasticity in the skin.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Genetics.
  • Hormonal changes.

Among the external factors:

  • Pollution.
  • Not removing makeup or cleaning your face properly.
  • Excessive sun exposure

How to minimize pores?

Massage your face with ice. Among the most effective natural remedies when it comes to minimizing enlarged pores is the application of ice to the face. It is one of the most popular beauty remedies, since while you hydrate your face, you will make your pores close. To apply it, it is best to wrap the ice in a towel and use it in circular movements over your face to avoid irritating or burning the skin. Do this ice massage at least twice a week to improve the appearance of your skin.

Make sure you do proper facial cleansing. Cleansing your face should be one of the fundamental parts of your daily skin care, both in the morning and at night. This way you can remove makeup, dirt, oil and pollution from your face, thus preventing pores from becoming clogged. You can opt for cleansing foams, gels, micellar water… Whatever facial cleansing method and products you choose, make sure they are suitable for your skin type.

Allied cosmetics. Don’t forget to check out the best sebum-regulating creams, tonics and serums to minimize those enlarged pores and complete your facial cleansing routine with them. Allied products that should not be missing in your facial beauty routine and that will help you have a radiant face, luminous skin and increasingly tighter pores.

Peeling chemical. Even though in the world beauty There are many different types of peeling, the chemical is undoubtedly one of the most effective when we talk about minimizing enlarged pores. Through this type of peeling, In addition, cell renewal of the skin’s surface is achieved, so the appearance is that of a smoother and more rejuvenated face. Specifically, chemical peeling manages to renew the layers of the skin and progressively narrow these ducts.

Exfoliate the skin. If what you intend is to treat open pores, it is essential that you do not forget to exfoliate the skin to remove dirt and oil accumulated in it. It will be enough to exfoliate your face once a week and take the opportunity to apply the exfoliating product right after the shower, since this is when the pores will be open due to the steam.

Baking soda mask. Another home remedy to fight open pores is to make a mask with two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass and warm water. Create a homogeneous mixture with both ingredients and apply the mixture by massaging in circles on the skin. Then leave it on for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can apply it a maximum of twice a week depending on your skin type.

Natural yogurt. Did you know that yogurt can also have great properties for the skin? Specifically, plain yogurt is a great source of lactic acid and probiotics. Two properties that help control acne bacteria and will also be of great help to minimize enlarged pores. We recommend that you apply this ingredient as if it were a mask on your face and for about 10 minutes, once a week.

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