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Irene Montero approves an expense of more than 20,000 million for the Strategic Equality Plan

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The Government will allocate 20,319 million euros III Strategic plan for effective equality between men and women, which aims to “promote feminist policies transversally in all administrations and in all departments.” This was announced by Irene Montero this Tuesday, March 8, International Women’s Day, upon leaving the Council of Ministers.

The Plan, which has been prepared by the Women’s Institute, will be in force between 2022 and 2025 and will have an endowment of 20,319 million euros from the different ministries. As reported Efethe main item, which represents 91% of the 20,319 million, will go to Hiring bonuses, maternity benefits and income supplement.

This plan reinforces the Government’s commitment to “turn feminism into a State issue” and deploy the tools at the disposal of administrations to “remove” all inequalities that affect women. “Equality will be at the center of all the executive’s lines of action,” declared the Minister of Equality at a press conference.

The Strategic Plan for Effective Equality 22-25 that we approved today focuses on the ‘Economy for life’ axis👇
🔴Fight against precariousness
🔴Eradicate the pay gap
🔴Measures for conciliation and state co-responsibility

— Irene Montero (@IreneMontero) March 8, 2022

Likewise, he added that the investment has quintupled since Spain’s last equality plan (created in 2016) and whose investment was just over 3,000 million euros.

As detailed by the Ministry of Equality in a statement, the plan will be a “framework of reference to achieve the necessary social changes in matters of Equality” and based on principles such as: the gender approach and intersectional approach; the sustainability of life from a feminist perspective that enables decent living conditions and does not reproduce social and gender inequalities; the participation of institutions as levers of transformation at the service of a more egalitarian government model; and transparency in relation to advances in Equality and the public resources used to achieve them.

Lines of action

The plan is structured in four axes: Good Government: towards more inclusive ways of doing and deciding; Economy for life and fair distribution of wealth; Towards guaranteeing lives free of sexist violence for women; and A country with effective rights for all women.

The point of Good government It is an instruction manual for public policies to have a gender perspective, with personnel trained in this matter, and will have a budget of 59 million euros (0.3% of the total).

The second, referring to the economy, is the one with the largest endowment: 18,461 million euros, which represents 90.9% of the total. This affects issues such as the right to decent employment, reducing the wage and pension gap or dignifying the working conditions of the “most precarious employees in the country”, domestic workers.

“We make many efforts so that the State becomes co-responsible for care, such as nursery schools from 0 to 3 years old, or the measures of the Co-Responsible Plan so that women have their time freed up so that they can exercise their rights,” Montero stated. .

With respect to fight against sexist violencewhich will have 972 million (4.8%) will focus on strengthening the response and coordination system to be able to “always arrive on time for all women.”

Finally, the point about effective rights for all women (826 million, 4.1%), includes measures to improve the lives of the “greatly forgotten”, migrant, lesbian, trans, bisexual and racialized women.

Equality has highlighted that this plan represents an “important advance” in equality and has stressed that “there is no country in the EU that has presented a comparable Plan. In this way – it states – Spain is placed at the European vanguard and fulfills a fundamental milestone expressed by the European Commission and required by the Treaties”.

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