Is Mythomania a disease without a cure?
Lying is inherent to human beings and we all do it at some point. However, when done compulsively, lying becomes pathological and can have negative consequences in the patient’s life. It is generally a condition that, with the appropriate treatment provided by a Specialist, can give very positive results.
What is Mythomania?
Mythomania is a concept within Psychiatry that refers to the disorder that is based on compulsive lying. It is also called Pathological Lie or Fantastic Pseudology.
Basically, the patient distorts reality as an escape route to gain approval or admiration from those around him. That is, it relates invented events that are not entirely improbable in order to obtain some benefit or advantage, or to protect oneself.
It is worth mentioning that some of these Patients recognize that they lie, so this indicates that they are aware of doing so. However, in other cases it is not this way.
We all tell lies at some point in our lives and it is normal, as it may be due to social pressure or a specific situation. But the addiction to lying is where the difference lies between a Mythomaniac and a person who lies sporadically.
Not having a specific reason, since it is out of compulsion, they can come to feel things that are not real as real. That is to say, they come to believe their own lies.
What could be its causes?
Between the possible causesspecialists point out the following:
- Dissatisfaction. Thanks to the lies, the person looks at his situation with different eyes and feels that in this way he compensates for his discomfort, since for the Mythomaniac it is a kind of refuge from reality
- It may be a sign of suffering from some Personality disorder. As borderline personality disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Especially superficial or frivolous, fickle and irresponsible people
- They can derive from other mental illness
- As in many behavioral disorders, it can be caused by low self-esteem problems
- Need for affection, approval or admiration: draw attention
- Generally you can have origin from childhood and a Specialist will be in charge of finding said beginning
The tendency to tell lies will lead you to be placed in embarrassing situations or to make up unsustainable stories. Even though he knows that he has been discovered, can continue to support the false narrative.
What can be the consequences if not treated properly?
Compulsive lying can have consequences. It may be an indication of a Mental Illness.
It can eventually cause problems, such as losing the trust of those around them, affecting their relationships, friendships, and the mythomaniac’s family.
What to do in cases of Mythomania?
It is important to note that this condition is curable. You should go to a specialist, who will indicate the most appropriate treatment, generally through Psychotherapy, or in certain cases drugs are required.
There are few cases in which the same patient voluntarily comes for consultation, so it is The support of family and friends is important.
How to avoid this condition?
Although the mythomaniac is usually young or adult, The tendency to lie can begin to manifest itself from childhood and can be related to the punishments received during childhood..
Specialists recommend Do not punish children when they tell small lies that produce their imagination. It is advisable to explain the differences between reality and fantasy, and teach values such as responsibility, since some cases occur in the face of need to avoid responsibilities.
For example: If parents allow the child to lie to avoid the consequences of their actions, blaming someone else, lying can become a habit.