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My car turns off at traffic lights

When your car stalls at traffic lights, it can be a frustrating and dangerous problem. Several factors can cause this, such as problems with the fuel system, battery, or engine. It is important to diagnose and solve the problem to avoid accidents and maintain the proper functioning of the vehicle.

My car turns off at traffic lights

When a filter is dirty or clogged, it prevents the passage of fuel to the engine. If the fuel pump is faulty, the fuel will not reach the engine with the necessary pressure. Additionally, if the injectors are dirty or damaged, the fuel will not be atomized correctly for combustion.

How long does a car battery last?

The life of a car battery cannot be determined exactly, since it depends on its quality and factors such as use and the general condition of the vehicle. If you are wondering how long a car battery lasts, you should know that under normal conditions it can last approximately 3 years. However, if you adopt the following 11 habits, your battery may last up to 5 years and deliver optimal performance.

What happens if the alternator starts to fail?

The alternator is responsible for converting the engine’s mechanical energy into electrical energy for the vehicle’s systems. If the alternator is damaged, the battery will not charge properly, which can result in difficulty starting the car and malfunction of systems such as lighting and air conditioning.

In more modern cars, the importance of the alternator is even greater, since it is related to numerous electronic systems. This means that more and more components depend on the power supplied by the alternator, making it crucial that it is in perfect condition. The workshop professionals are in charge of ensuring this.

What causes unstable idle?

I’m worried that the car will lock up the steering in a corner, which shouldn’t happen. I don’t understand how the engine stops, considering the weight of the car and the inertia it carries, unless you were pressing the clutch in the corner or there was a problem with the engine.

When you mention downshifting frequently, I assume you mean the car has overheated and stalled. You may have over-reved the engine and the timing belt could be bad if the tensioner has moved.

As for the possible causes of an unstable idle, there can be several problems, from bad spark plugs to a temperature sensor that over-enriches the fuel mixture, a dirty air filter or some worn or unsealed element in the the butterfly or its shaft.

However, considering the unsafe situations that you have described, the first thing you should do is take the car to a mechanic and then analyze how that situation came to be.

How do I know if the fuel pump is failing?

Below, we will present a list of symptoms that we must take into account, as they may indicate a failure in the fuel pump.

1. The vehicle does not start or starts intermittently: If the fuel pump is faulty, the vehicle will not start because there will not be enough fuel pressure in the injectors. This means that fuel will not reach the cylinders and the engine will not have the necessary means to start running. In some cases, ignition may occur intermittently due to wear or deficiencies in the electrical contacts that do not supply the voltage necessary for the pump to operate. It may also be an indication that the pump relay is beginning to fail, since it is responsible for activating the pump when the engine is started.

2. Jerks in acceleration and idling: If the fuel prefilter is clogged, the fuel pump will not work correctly, since it will not be able to extract fuel from the tank with constant and sufficient pressure. This can cause jerky acceleration and idling.

3. Engine failures and intermittent noises: If you hear an intermittent noise and notice engine failures while it is running, it may be an indication that the fuel pump is seized and needs to be repaired.

How do you know if it is the alternator or the battery that is failing?

Today’s vehicles demand more and more electrical energy due to the increase in technological conveniences in automobiles. This shortens its useful life, but also allows us to detect failures in the system more quickly due to the numerous parts that depend on it.

We are going to discover what signs alert us to a possible problem with the alternator to avoid being stranded on the road or not being able to get out on it.

The alternator light: Many cars include an indicator on the instrument panel that comes on when the battery or alternator is failing.

Failures in electrical accessories: when the alternator fails, the battery is not charged optimally and the first symptoms that we may notice are problems in the regulation of lights and poor performance in electrical devices. If not fixed in time, this can damage the battery and other systems that rely on electricity, such as the windows, audio system, headlights or air conditioning.

Notable noises: A faulty, cracked or worn belt on the alternator can be easily recognized with the naked eye. However, if this occurs on the road, the clearest symptom is a very noticeable noise, as this can cause some moving parts of the alternator to come off. The same symptoms can be caused by excessive bearing wear.

Low battery: Using a digital voltmeter connected to the battery output, we can check if its voltage has decreased. We must perform the test with the engine off and on to determine if the problem is with the alternator or the battery. If the voltage is less than 12V with the engine off, the fault is with the battery. If with the engine running it drops below 13.8V, the problem is with the alternator.

What happens when a car starts and stops?

The engine at idle may become unstable and shut down. If this occurs, it is important to check the operation of the IAC valve, responsible for controlling air intake. If the valve is dirty or defective, it can cause accelerations and decelerations for no apparent reason, which can lead to the vehicle shutting down. To solve this problem, it is recommended to clean, lubricate or replace the part in a specialized workshop.

If the car shakes and shuts down when stopping, it could be due to various causes. On the one hand, there may be a problem of insufficient power in the alternator when braking, causing tremors when accelerating or braking. On the other hand, an air leak in the brake booster can cause the engine to shake excessively when braking, even stopping.

If the engine stalls when accelerating or loses power, there may be problems in the fuel system, such as blockages in the lines or a malfunction of the system. There may also be poor conduction in the electrical signal, which would be reflected in a battery failure warning. Another factor to consider is the exhaust system, since poor gas output can lead to engine shutdown. Additionally, if the spark plugs are in poor condition, they can also cause this problem. Finally, overheating the engine can cause it to lose power when accelerating or even stall, so it is important to monitor the vehicle’s temperature.

For diesel engines, if they start and stop, it may be due to a faulty crankshaft position sensor, a bad fuel pump, an empty fuel tank, a problem with the alternator, ECU or unit. Faulty engine control system or problems with the ignition system.

If the car stalls when braking, it may be caused by a dirty acceleration system, so it is recommended to clean it to eliminate the problem. Additionally, an old fuel pump may begin to fail when you apply the brake, as it will not provide enough fuel to the block. A faulty ignition coil can also be responsible for the engine stalling when braking, as it will not generate spark efficiently. Lastly, the PS sensor or IAC valve may be causing the engine to shut down when braking, either due to dirt or a malfunction.

Finally, it is important to note that the engine can shut down when it heats up in the event of overheating. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the temperature at which the engine operates and take the necessary measures to avoid problems.

Why won’t my car stay on?

If your vehicle starts without problems but shuts off after a few minutes without being able to restart it, the exhaust system may be clogged. The main cause of this problem is usually a clogged catalytic converter. When this occurs, the converter can overheat and be damaged if large amounts of unburned fuel enter the exhaust system. This can happen if the engine has dirty spark plugs or if the exhaust valves are leaking. When the unburned fuel reaches the converter, the temperature begins to increase. The material supporting the converter can break down and partially or completely block the flow of gases. If a complete blockage of the exhaust occurs, the engine will start normally but the gas will have nowhere to go. This will create a buildup of pressure that will oppose the flow of gases, causing the engine to stall after a few minutes. Eventually, the pressure will dissipate and allow the engine to start again after a while. To resolve the blockage, it is necessary to change the converter, but first the cause of overheating and failure must be repaired. Otherwise the new converter will suffer from the same problem. If the converter is not the cause of the problem, the exhaust may be damaged or an object may be obstructing the flow of gases.


When a car starts and stops, it may be due to problems with the alternator or battery. To determine the cause, voltage and amperage tests can be performed. The fuel pump can fail if the car is not kept running. Rough idling can be caused by problems in the fuel system or ignition system. If the alternator begins to fail, it can cause a drain on the battery and problems with the operation of the car. Car battery life can vary depending on use and maintenance, but generally lasts 3 to 5 years.

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¿Qué es el alternador, cuál es su vida útil y qué averías son frecuentes en este elemento? this

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