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Representation of Radicular Pain

Radicular Pain is a pathology that can be quite painful for individuals who suffer from it, affecting their lives and affecting their social or work relationships.

Radicular Pain Damage

Radicular Pain is a important symptom, which usually presents as a persistent sensation somewhere near the exit of a nerve. Therefore, it is usually a product of compression or damage to the structure of a nerve in particular.

The causes are multiple and it is very important when we talk about Radicular Pain to determine if the pain that the patient manifests has root characteristics This means that the mobility of said extremity is being distributed through the specific dermatome of each root since all movements tend to increase the manifestation of pain.

It is very important to be able to determine these dermatomes:

  • The seventh cervical root reaches the middle finger and the eighth cervical root reaches the little finger and the lower limbs.
  • The sixth cervical root usually radiates pain to the thumb
  • The fifth cervical root goes along the outside of the leg, dorsum of the foot, to the big toe. When the first sacral root is affected, the pain radiates posteriorly to the sole of the foot, when one listens to how the patient relates his pain. You can determine whether or not what you are saying refers to cervical pain and that it is not referred pain from another spinal discomfort.

Causes and characteristics of Radicular Pain

Between the symptoms that can show the existence of this pathology, a powerful pain in the final area of ​​the back takes special prominence. This discomfort can be intensified when we cough, when we get up or when we sit for a long time.

This type of pain usually presents the following characteristics in the affected area:

  • Pain that manifests from the root and its exit in the Vertebral Column
  • It is persistent and usually increases when carrying out certain activities that involve the region
  • Dysesthesia
  • Ectopia
  • Does not follow a Dermatomic pattern
  • The Spinal Ganglion is affected
  • Associated symptoms may occur, depending on the cause of the pain.

In patients with a herniated disc it is very common to find this type of symptoms, but in addition to this pathology there are also cases such as neuralgia, tumors, fractures, infections, osteoarthritis, trauma, Chiari malformation, root stenosis, presence of cysts and diseases such as shingles.

What is the treatment of Radicular Pain?

The treatment of radiculopathy will vary depending on the characteristics of the patient and the cause that caused the disease.

First of all, they will be use of medications that help reduce pain, accompanied by exercises or physiotherapy, with the aim of helping the patient to improve their posture, enhance their flexibility and benefit their mobility.

In the event that the individual does not observe a notable improvement after these indications, a surgical treatmentsuch as Microdiscectomy, to eliminate the cause that is compressing the nerve root.

As seen in this article about the symptoms, causes and treatment of lumbar radiculopathy, it is important to maintain a healthy life style and go to a specialist doctor after experiencing the first sign of the presence of a problem in the spine. Only then can measures be taken to eliminate discomfort and allow you to resume and carry out normal activities.