Specialists in veterinary traumatology care for all types of animals at SOS Animal
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 17:09
Like humans, the problems related to well-being and health that animals most commonly suffer are related to the musculoskeletal system, formed by the osteoarticular system (bones, joints and ligaments) and the muscular system (muscles and tendons that join bones). For this reason, the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital, in its commitment to offering a healthcare service of excellence for pets, has recently created an area specialized in veterinary traumatology.
Veterinary traumatology is the branch of veterinary medicine that is responsible for solving pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, from fractures to orthopedic injuries (rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, hip and elbow dysplasia, osteochondritis…), as well as degenerative lesions (osteoarthrosis). Among the injuries and pathologies addressed by this specialty, bone fractures stand out, present every day in the work carried out by the SOS Animal team. Although if there is a common pathology in pets, that is undoubtedly the cranial cruciate ligament injury.
With the specialized service in veterinary traumatology within the Veterinary Specialties Center of the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital, The aim is to resolve all these conditions, thus improving the quality of life and well-being of the patient and their family.. A service in which, although the vast majority of patients treated are dogs and cats, it serves all kinds of animals that require specialized attention.
The traumatology service at the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital aims to respond to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in pets. From fractures to orthopedic injuries (rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, hip and elbow dysplasia, osteochondritis…) to other injuries such as degenerative (osteoarthritis), among others.
In turn, veterinary traumatologists collaborate with other veterinary clinics, in addition to those of Grupo Galacho Veterinarios, in those more complex cases that require direct support from the trauma area.
TPLO and resolution of fractures, the most frequent interventions
Among the interventions carried out by the SOS Animal traumatology team, the following stand out: fracture resolution and TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy), which are performed daily given the incidence of these conditions.
In addition to the above, the veterinary team in the trauma area carries out many other interventions, including arthroplasties, arthroscopies (a minimally invasive method by which the joint is visualized for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes), correction of deformities. angles, dislocations (shoulder, elbow, hip, kneecap…), arthrodesis and joint infiltrations.
Dr. Rafael Peláez Carmona in a surgical intervention.
Dalmiro García and Rafael Peláez, at the forefront of veterinary traumatology
Rafael Peláez and Dalmiro García contribute all their accumulated experience in veterinary surgery and traumatology for more than 15 years, in a service that offers greater, highly specialized and exhaustive dedication.
Dalmiro García Santamaría, veterinarian specializing in traumatology and technical director of the hospital and Rafael Peláez Carmona, veterinarian specializing in traumatology and surgeon specializing in laparoscopy.
Cranial cruciate ligament injury in dogs, one of the most prevalent problems in dogs
One of the most prevalent orthopedic problems in dogs is injury to the cranial cruciate ligament, so being prepared to solve this problem is essential for the SOS Animal trauma team. In fact, surgery is not always the solution, but when a surgical solution has to be resorted to, one of the techniques that offers the best results for the patient is TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy), which has been performed practically daily due to the frequency of cranial cruciate ligament injury.
The cranial cruciate ligament is essential for the stability of the dog’s knee. In its human equivalent it is called the anterior cruciate ligament, although there are notable differences compared to the dog, being much more complex in canines and causing dysfunction and pain in the hind limbs.
The main symptoms of problems in the cranial cruciate ligament are:
•Difficulty getting up.
•Stiffness in the knee.
•Muscular atrophy.
•Loss of mobility in the affected knee.
•Avoid doing exercises or jumping to get up somewhere.
•Sometimes a clicking noise.
Fractures and other conditions can appear at any age and race
Although fractures can appear at any age and breed, there are some that are age-related, such as, for example, Salter Harris fractures, which only appear in growing animals when the fracture involves the metaphyseal or growth area. because this is the area most sensitive to fatigue.
Furthermore, during growth, and in breeds with a genetic predisposition, other pathologies appear such as osteochondritis dissecans, which is a problem that affects immature cartilage that is incapable of forming bone, and usually occurs in large and giant breeds, although it is also described in medium-sized dogs.
Dr. Dalmiro García Santamaría attending veterinary trauma consultation.
On the other hand, and also during growth, a quite common pathology may appear in certain breeds such as dysplasiaboth hip and elbow, and which is ultimately a condition of joint development.
Early diagnosis of these growth pathologies is a very valuable weapon for treatment. and slowing down the progression of osteoarthrosis resulting from joint pathology, which is why it is very important to perform an examination of the patient and a radiographic study to assess the possible joint alterations they may present.
Early diagnosis makes consultation and examination by a traumatologist the best weapon our pet has to avoid problems in the future.
All large and giant breeds are predisposed to dysplasia, and among the medium breeds, Bulldogs, Pugs, Bassets and Beagles are the most represented.
In short, the genetic predisposition to suffer from an orthopedic pathology and, above all, its early diagnosis, make consultation and examination by a traumatologist the best weapon our pet has at our disposal to avoid problems in the future.
The main symptoms of a trauma problem in animals
The main symptom of a trauma problem in animals is lameness, which is usually the expression of pain with trauma origin.
Pain caused by instability in the bone column of the musculoskeletal system (fractures), degeneration of articular cartilage (osteoarthrosis), joint inflammation (arthritis)… offers a series of clinical symptoms (lameness, reluctance to exercise, apathy, anorexia, changes in behavior) that helps predict a trauma problem in the pet.
In cats, lameness is usually a symptom of more advanced orthopedic problems than in dogs. since felines by their very nature tend to hide any manifestation of pain, something that in their wild origins helped them avoid showing weakness and going from being a hunter to being a potential prey. This is why periodic check-ups in the case of felines take on special relevance to detect and prevent more complex problems.
Complete care as part of the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital
The pets cared for at this center in turn benefit from the rest of the specialties and facilities offered by the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital and made available to them, with the possibility of resorting to complementary tests, postoperative care attended by the hospitalization team and care or assistance from professionals from other areas of veterinary medicine.
Equipped and prepared
To address the resolution of problems classified within the area of trauma, the center has not skimped on resources. Both animals and families will benefit from a wide range of material, equipment and facilities with the greatest guarantee and effectiveness. To do this, the center is equipped with the most innovative surgical instruments such as electric motors for therapeutic use in traumatology (spinal surgery) as well as devices for vessel sealing and hemostasis, among which we highlight the harmonic ultracision, which is essential for laparoscopy..
Thanks to this, the SOS Animal veterinary trauma team is able to offer an excellent service in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bone, muscle and joint problems in pets.
Where is it located?
Although the SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital and the Veterinary Specialties Center are part of the same center, both have independent entrances.
SOS Animal Veterinary Specialties Center
Veterinary specialists in ophthalmology, traumatology and neurology
Calle de Saint Exupéry, 5 – In front of Carrefour Alameda (High Cover)
952 317 692
galachoveterinarios.com | hospitalveterinariomalaga.es
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SOS Animal Veterinary Hospital Málaga
Emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Calle Spengler, 20 – 29007 Málaga – In front of Carrefour Alameda (High Cover)
952 317 692
galachoveterinarios.com | hospitalveterinariomalaga.es
Ease of parking.
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