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The big Instagram trend: What is a ‘photo dump’ and how to get it?

Imagine that it is a sunny day, you are wearing your outfit favorite, you listen to music in your headphones, you drink a coffee with heart-shaped foam and, on your way, you stop to admire those places and people that you always come across, but never look at. Materialize these in a chain of images fortuitous moments of singular appeal It’s called making a photo dump.

It is one of the latest trends that is triumphing par excellence and increasingly on the platform for sharing photos on the Internet. It seems that Instagram is beginning to abandon the dictatorship of filters in photos for more natural and spontaneous content, those that better reflect your daily life without so much planning.

Influencers of the size of Emma Chamberlain and Matilda Djerf They are the great standard-bearers of this new aesthetic. We tell you what exactly it is and how you can make a photo dump perfect.

What is a photo dump?

It’s about sharing several images from your phone’s camera roll, randomly, without the need for them to have much relationship with each other. According to Urban Dictionarywe refer to a photo dumpwhen someone has too many photos on their phone and uploads them to Instagram, regardless of whether they match or make sense”.

The trend aesthetic has become the new “non-filter” of social networks. The images aesthetic are those that seek to enhance the beauty and aesthetics of what is photographed through photography. taste for framing, light and colors. From the abundance of pastel tones to a more grungeor even a style vintageare some of the main options.

The good thing about photo dump the thing is You can upload them to your Instagram profile whenever you want or feel like doing it: Gone are the planned posts! Maybe you’ve had a super busy week at work or school, or you’ve been able to travel away from home for a weekend. The important thing is that you stop admire what surrounds youno matter how everyday it may seem to you, and then you take a photo.

This not so new fashion was born as a result of confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, there were many influencers and celebrities who had to search and rescue photos of all kinds in their reels so as not to abandon their social networks and continue generating content.

How to get it?

The most important? Stop looking for perfection: let it be the most random and casual possible. Take a photo of everything you find that is attractive to you until the “lack of storage space” alert goes off on your phone. From the coffee you are having, to the dog in a knitted sweater that walks down the street.

Also can you add some inspirational quote that you retrieve from the Internet, a book, or even from a graffiti on the façade of any building. Finding and sharing inspiration on Instagram is the new art.

Another of the great trends within culture aesthetic is to do photos focused on detailsthat is, photos with a lot zoom increased. Collect that bunch of images that you would normally discard from your gallery because they apparently have no relevance and give them a new life on your profile.

Don’t forget to add a photo of yourself that you like, either because of how you come out showing your funniest face or because you want show the world your amazing outfit of that day. In this type of photographs we see the lack of concern for achieving a good image: the complete opposite of what other trends indicate. A photo dump It has no edition. Instead, they seek to show reality and everyday life as it is.

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