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The candles smelling like Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina that burn the networks: the controversy is reborn

Last week, Gwyneth Paltrow took advantage of her visit to one of the leading morning television programs, Today, to promote candles that smell like her vagina, which she sells through her Goop brand.

“Can I talk about this in a morning session?”, asked. She still has not lost that air of sweetness with which she conquered Hollywood from her most tender youth, with that cinematic release by the hand of Spielberg, which launched her to stardom.
“This candle is really a provocation to say: ‘It’s amazing to be a woman in every way. It’s amazing to have that kind of power.”

This product is still for sale. It costs 75 dollars, its name is This smells like my vagina (in Spanish: ‘This

It is worth rereading it, because there were very unique nuances, such as the contributions of Viviana Torres, the founder of the intimate cosmetics firm ‘Miss Vivien’, who even dares to qualify the ingredients that Gwyneth Paltrow’s candle should contain: “I haven’t had the opportunity to smell the Goop candle This smells like my vagina because, unfortunately, there is no stock left. The olfactory description indicates that it contains notes of geranium, bergamot, cedar, Damascus rose and ambrette. I, as a perfumer, if I had to recreate the smell of an intimate area like the vaginaI would eliminate a citrus note like Bergamot, I would reduce the presence of floral notes and I would have added more animal or intense notes like ambergris, oud or castoreum, and some more spicy floral accords.”

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