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These are the pensioners who can request the supplement of 378 euros per child in 2022

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Currently, there are almost 163,000 pensioners in Spain who receive the gender gap supplement, the majority of them being women. who represent 94% of the total of these. In this way, the average pensions of women and men have a difference of 25%, thus reducing the difference by 5% compared to before the arrival of this supplement, which will continue to be in force until there is only one difference of five points.

This supplement arrived last year to replace the maternity supplement that the Government headed by Mariano Rajoy created back in 2016 for those women who had two or more children. However, this It was declared discriminatory in 2019 by the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Since then, different sentences recognized different parents so that they could receive this complement. This caused the Government to see the need to devise a new formula that could provide a plus to women who are affected in their contribution career for the birth and care of your children, and which could also be used by men who had gaps in their contribution career for the same reason.

378 euros per year per child

In this way, the current formula was born that establishes a fixed supplement of 378 euros per year per child up to a maximum of four, being accessible to one of the parents, either the father or the mother, as long as they meet the requirements that have been determined to be able to access it.

Beyond the retirement pension that may be received, the supplement is always established between 378 and 1,512 euros per year during the first year. This amount is revalued annually, just as happens with the pension itself.

In this way, from the year in which retirement occurs, the beneficiary receives a minimum of 27 additional euros in each of their 14 payments if they have only had one child; 54 euros in each of them if she has two; 81 euros if she has three; and an additional 108 euros in the event that she has four or more children. Currently, the average amount of this supplement is just over 62 euros for each beneficiary.

It is necessary to take into account that both parents cannot obtain this supplement and, in the event that both the father and the mother could have right to it by meeting the necessary requirements, It would only be awarded to the mother if it is a heterosexual couple.

If it is a homosexual couple, it will be received by the person who has a lower pension. Furthermore, if it is the father who retires earlier, he will be able to collect it until the mother retires.

Plugin Request

The request for the supplement of 378 euros per year per child that can be requested in the 2022 pension must be made together with the processing of the disability, widowhood or retirement pension.

In the case of men, the existence of gaps in the contribution route must be proven in a minimum of four months between the nine months prior to the birth or adoption of the children and the three years following in the event that the children have born or adopted before December 31, 1994; and parents of children who were born or adopted since January 1, 1995, must prove that the sum of the contribution bases for the two years following the adoption or birth are less than 15% of the total amount of the previous two years.

This extra offered by Social Security and which is linked to the collection of a pension seeks to reduce the gender gap in the receipt of the contributory pension. To request this extra, it is possible to go to the “Your Social Security” portal as long as you have an electronic DNI, cl@ve or digital certificate.

If you do not have any of these options, it is possible to request it through the platform enabled by the National Social Security Institute (INSS). for applications and procedures for Social Security benefits.

When making the corresponding request, the specific box for requesting this supplement must be checked, and then fill in the data that is related to your child or children in the event that you have more than one.


The requirements to be able to receive the supplement of 378 euros per child, which is an amount that is paid in a total of 14 payments, are the following:

  • Be enrolled in any regime of the Social Security system and request a contributory retirement pension, permanent disability or widowhood. That is, the extra supplement will be added to ordinary retirement pensions, voluntary early retirement, permanent disability and widowhood.
  • The complements that may be recognized in any of the Social Security regimes are incompatible with each other. It is paid in the regime in which the beneficiary of the pension has more registration periods.
  • You must have one or more children who are duly registered in the Civil Registry.

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