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This is Mercadona’s most sought-after product for cellulite-free skin for less than 7 euros

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, cellulite is the name given to those irregular fat deposits They tend to accumulate around the hips, belly and thighs. An increasingly normalized skin problem, but one that is especially worrying in summer with the return to the beach and the pool. Furthermore, although cellulite can affect everyone equally, it tends to be seen to a greater extent among women, something closely related to that thinner skin structure and also to hormones such as estrogen.

But what is the best way to combat it effectively and without the need for our economy to suffer too much with expensive beauty treatments? Well this time you will not need to resort to any expensive pharmacy cream, but you will simply need to get one of the anti-cellulite products What’s most popular in Spain and what you can get for less than 7 euros in a famous supermarket. We’ll tell you what it is.

Why cellulite is more common in women

Although cellulite is a completely normal part of the human anatomy and is fortunately becoming more normalized, it is also a condition in which the skin takes on an appearance similar to “orange peel” and in some people they may come to want reduce or eliminate.

A powerful product against cellulite that is already flying off the shelves of this famous supermarket chain and that will be your new ally to achieve that firmness and reducing effect What are you looking for in the skin?

Mercadona anti-cellulite reducing roller

How to use Mercadona’s anti-cellulite reducing roller

The use of this roller is very simple, to apply it you will simply have to do circular movements on the skin and, as the manufacturer advises, use it daily in the morning and at night and in those areas where cellulite has already appeared or are more prone.

By applying it through circular and upward movements, you can help improve circulation in these areas while helping the product to be absorbed. Try this routine at least 10 minutes a dayA good time for this may be after a shower.

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