Tinkerbell syndrome: how this disorder affects women from childhood
Strong woman, with character, brave, with initiative… All this is what defines Tinkerbell, that little fairy who accompanies Peter Pan and with whose help he can get out of all kinds of situations and even reach Neverland.
In this well-known story, Tinkerbell wants Peter Pan to grow up and stop thinking like a child, but he refuses to take care of him or explain it to him in a loving way. And this fairy It has all the features to stand on its own. A determined, strong-willed and brave woman who never really needed Peter Pan, but whose love she made him think she did.
A fairy and a woman capable of raising a hurricane in its wake and fighting against everyone and everything, but also against herself and afraid of loneliness but not danger. It is precisely from this character of Tinkerbell that the concept of Tinkerbell Syndrome is born, an archetype of society whose keys we detail below.
What is Tinker Bell Syndrome and what are its keys?
The Tinker Bell Woman is successful in her professional life, very perfectionist, highly capable of achieving everything whatever is proposed, capable of showing their anger if necessary and expressing their disagreement with those situations that do not satisfy them.
Usually, In friendship and love relationships, he usually prefers the dominant role. and demand that everything he wants be fulfilled. A woman who really doesn’t need anything but herself to be happy and who neither wants nor needs to take care of any man to be happy.
Even so, if you wish, you are capable of knowing how to make anyone fall for your charms and you have the ability to make everything seem surprising by your side. women who They feel everything between their skin and their heart and they never tire of fighting against everyone and everything., but above all against themselves. Perhaps this last point is the only not so positive that any Tinker Bell woman has to fight against.
It should be noted that Tinker Bell had nothing to envy of Wendy, who spent her life taking care of her siblings and being the perfect caregiver and innate mother. A woman on the contrary to Campanilla, raised by and to care for people. A type of “caring woman” that Peter Pan also wanted to see in Tinkerbell, but whom Tinkerbell always managed to rebel against.
And, although Wendy women will always be willing to give constant attention and care to others without breaking a sweat, unlike Tinkerbell, they will never want to be guided only by their hunches, They will never be able to infect you with their desire to take on the worldnor will they make you reflect on your own thoughts.
Another key of Campanilla women is that they always They are able to set their own limits and especially if they are not happy in a relationship, they will have no problem setting limits and leaving so as not to continue wasting their time with someone who hurts them or who simply does not make them happy.
Difficulties of Tinker Bell Syndrome
A woman therefore strong, determined and very fighter but what is the not so positive part of her personality? Without a doubt, the most complicated part of Tinkerbell Syndrome is found in the level of demand they project towards themselves and their low level of tolerance: She is clear that she comes first and that no one has or should take that place from her. A mixture of feelings that can sometimes lead to a too high level of frustration and self-demand that is not so positive for the person’s mental well-being.
Another complicated point of Tinker Bell Syndrome is found in the sometimes capricious character and in that sometimes obsessive need to be pleased in everything. This is one of the main reasons why a feeling of dissatisfaction often prevails.
He is also very afraid of commitment and assuming his true feelings., which makes her always focus much more on her work and on continuing to make all the people around her fall in love with her charms. They prefer to flee from love to avoid suffering and see being in a relationship as a weakness and as an attack on their concept of an independent woman.
A constant emotional repression towards themselves that sometimes It can lead them to a real internal war with themselves. themselves for not accepting those parts of their personality that they do not like and that make them feel weak.
What factors lead to experiencing Tinkerbell Syndrome?
This type of personality is usually formed during childhood and is usually based on emotional repression and self-demand. Women who at some point in their childhood had the need to put themselves aside (on an emotional level) to meet the expectations that their family expected of them. And no, we are not referring to a traditionally feminine archetype, but to the idea and demand of succeeding in the world of work and in society without needing anything or anyone.
We are talking about strong women with a lot of personality, but whose ego can sometimes be too fragile. They also don’t want to look sad or ask for anything, just demand and feel satisfied.
But the reality is that behind that overwhelming and enviable personality often hides an excess of responsibility and self-demand which can sometimes be devastating for those who suffer from it, normally, these are people who did not have all the affection they should have in childhood and who have been forced to take control of their emotions at a too early age.
Incredible, perfectionist, inspiring and independent womenbut deep down they also hide a great need to receive love, to reconcile with their most childish self and to accept that having emotional needs from another person does not necessarily make them dependent on anyone.
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