What is kizomba and how to start practicing this dance
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The kizomba It is a musical genre and a dance that began to be composed between the late 70s and early 80s in Angola. However, although its birth is linked to the 20th century, dancing kizomba has recently become fashionable, and in any case, this popular dance arrived in Europe a long time ago, taking into account that Angola is a former colony. of Portugal.
In fact, to In the mid-90s, the expression “kizomba” began to be used in Portugal to designate the entire african music which was danced in African dance venues in the main cities of the country, especially in Lisbon. Consequently, it is a social dance. This dance also reached France (where they already knew the zouk of the Antilles Martinique and Guadeloupe), where they also began to call any style of music that sounded similar “kizomba”.
In any case, it has been spreading throughout Europe, North African countries, Canada and the United States. Also in Spain there is more and more dancing. Currently, in Portugal, the term kizomba is used to refer to this musical genre and many other related genres or historically associated subgenres (tarraxa, semba, konpa dirèk, zouk; subgenres: afro zouk, ghetto zouk, cabo love… .)
The term “kizomba” emerged in 1981, through “Bibi o rei da passada”, SOS percussionist. By joining other rhythms such as Angolan merengue to the rhythms developed by other contemporary groups, the SOS developed a more appealing sound for dancing that began to circulate in Angolan parties.
How to start dancing kizomba
First of all, it must be taken into account that the kizomba is circular. To start dancing the kiomba, you must keep in mind that its cycle is based on four cycles of measures, each made up of four different pulses. That is, in the formula 4×4with a total of 16 pulses.
According to the Go&Dance platform: “For beginners, the most basic step to learn to dance Kizomba would be a succession of two steps, from one side to the other. You can start with the man on his left foot, taking a step to the side, and the woman doing so with her right foot. The leader brings his right foot next to the left with a touch, without leaving the weight on the right. Next, do the opposite, take a step to the right with the right foot and accompany the left foot next to the right with a light touch to the ground. The follower does it with opposite feet.”
It is a couples dance in which the man leads the dance so that the woman lets herself go. In fact, the man normally wants the woman to walk in the most relaxed way possible, taking small steps and proposing gentle changes of pace. This dance always seeks for the man to interpret and improvise the movements based on the music, giving the dance a feeling of great softness and harmony.
In any chaos, it must be taken into account that kizomba is not neither slow nor sensual nor leisurely. In such a way that, if you listen to and dance kizombayou will be faced with a energetic, small, concrete and fun dance.
exist many famous songs They use the kizomba rhythm case of the following:
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