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What is point A and how you can stimulate it to reach orgasm

Female sexuality has been ignored for a long time. However, in recent years, women have been increasingly demanding their right to pleasure and more research has been done on their bodies and sexual organs. Now, there is more and more talk about the erogenous zones of the body, although there is still much to discover. Therefore, today we talk to you about point aone more area that can be stimulated to facilitate reaching orgasm.

When trying to stimulate point A, there are some sexual positions that make it easier:

  • Sit or lie on your back on the edge of the bed with your legs resting on the floor and your pelvis slightly raised to facilitate penetration.

  • Face down and the partner behind so that their fingers have greater mobility on the top.

  • “On all fours.” This form is very similar to the previous one, but in this position greater depth is achieved.

With these tips, and as the nurse specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and expert in sexual health, Laura Cámara, recalled, from there the important thing is: practice and enjoy the experience until you find, never better said, the ideal point.

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