Who Are The Authors Of The Documents
Document authors are the people responsible for creating and writing the content. They are experts in their field and their work is essential to guarantee the quality and veracity of the information presented.
What is the original document?
The original document is the one in which the will of the author is recorded for the first time and definitively, being a perfect document with all the validation marks and conditions of authenticity.
During the document preparation process, there may be a first document called minutes, which is a preliminary version of the original.
It is important to note that original does not mean unique, so in some cases we can find several copies of original documents, which allows us to establish a classification.
What is the oldest text in the world?
The Instructions of Shuruppak, also known as Instructions of Šuruppak son of Ubaratutu, are the oldest text that has been preserved in History. This text is a significant example of Sumerian wisdom literature, which was created for the purpose of teaching proper piety, instilling virtue, and preserving community norms. This form of wisdom literature was common throughout ancient West Asia.
What is the difference between a document and a file?
Archival documents are unique and cannot be edited, while supporting documentation consists of multiple copies and can be modified. Archival documents are considered documentary heritage, while supporting documentation is not. Archival documents are primary sources, while supporting documentation is a secondary source. Archival documents are organic sets that are valued for their testimonies, while supporting documentation is an artificial set that is valued for the information it contains. For this reason, archival documents are preserved and moved to the central archive, while supporting documentation does not have the same fate.
What is the importance of documents?
The document is a record of an act or fact carried out by an institution or person, whether on paper or other technological media. These documents generate files of different types, such as archaeological, audiovisual or legal. They are important sources for history, since they collect historical facts of all kinds. In addition, documents are a way of archiving human knowledge, thanks to technology we can store large amounts of information in smaller spaces. The documents allow us to understand how our ancestors lived and how they organized themselves in different aspects of life. They are also useful in resolving disputes, as they can serve as proof of the veracity of an act. In short, documents have historical value and allow important facts to be preserved over time.
What is a textual document?
Royal, notarial, stately, administrative or commercial, judicial, municipal, ecclesiastical and parish, and personal documentation are different types of archival documents. These documents contain information or testimony in any format and date, and by any medium or language. They are received or issued in the exercise of legal functions or business transactions by an institution or person that preserves them for testimony, proof and continuity of its management. These documents are covered with extrinsic and intrinsic formalities and guarantees necessary to give legal, administrative and historical value and credibility to both the message content and text they carry and to the documentary support itself. Archival documents can be graphic (maps, engravings, plans, etc.), audiovisual (videos, recordings, photographs) or textual, transmitting their information through alphabetical signs, whether handwritten, typed or printed. The textual or diplomatic document is the most common in our archives and will also be the protagonist of this guide.
How to know if a document is not fake?
The first tip to detect a falsified document is to pay close attention to the details. During a selection process, it is important to ask the candidate if, in addition to her citizenship card, she has an immigration card or a PEP (special permanence permit). In addition, it is necessary to analyze the information contained in the ID, such as the barcode, ID number, date of issue, height, and document printing data. These details may give clues that the document is suspicious.
Another tip is to identify if labor certificates appear to be poorly scanned, with overlapping signatures, incorrect dates, and changes in font and font size. This could indicate that it is a fake document.
In many cases, people can lie on their resume about the recognition of their studies abroad. It is important that human talent recruiters take into account the academic legislation of each country to verify the veracity of this data. During the interview with the candidate, it is advisable to focus on the details and carry out questionnaires to confirm the information in the documents provided.
What is the classification of documents?
Classification is an essential process for grouping documents hierarchically, whether by principles of provenance, original order, or other factors. In this process, actions, organic structure and issues are considered as key elements. Regardless of the system you choose to classify your documentation, it will be conceived under concepts that reflect the activity and functions of your company.
Document classification has several benefits:
– Allows you to implement effective document management.
– Facilitates the management of electronic documents.
– Increases productivity.
– Reduces search times.
– Allows access to data from the moment it is created.
– Facilitates quick and easy retrieval of information.
– Allows you to link electronic and paper documents that belong to the same file.
– Allows you to apply the necessary rules for the destruction of documents when necessary.
– Establishes homogeneous criteria for archiving electronic documents.
– Centralizes all information in a single program.
– Promotes collaborative work.
It is important to keep in mind that document sorting is a process after classification, which allows us to have quick access to the data and facilitate its understanding. Both classification and ordering can be carried out efficiently using a document manager that centralizes all tasks and the process in its entirety.
Are you ready to start classifying your documents?
How to know if a document is fake or not?
Identification documents are essential to identify people, but they can also be subject to adulteration or falsification. Therefore, it is important to include security features at all stages of the issuing process, from printing to document delivery.
An identification document is one that allows the identity of a person to be verified and can be public or private. In Colombia, the most common public documents are the citizenship card, the passport and the driving license, each with different purposes and associated rights. On the other hand, private identification documents include corporate, university and loyalty cards.
Depending on the rights granted by the document, it is necessary to add security features to validate its authenticity and the identity of the bearer. For example, passports must have high levels of data capture security, security features and verification. In Colombia, the passport has evolved to be a world-class document, with measures that make it difficult to adulterate or falsify, in addition to having a chip that allows electronic reading and guarantees the authenticity of the data and the issuing entity.
In the case of private identification documents, such as university cards, it is important that institutions have an issuance process that guarantees immediate delivery and confidentiality of the information. These cards usually have security features such as digital watermark, touch security, invisible inks and holograms, among others.
As experts in advising public and private entities on the issuance of identification documents, we recommend being clear about the functionality, scope and resources necessary to ensure the success of the project.
A textual document is one that contains written or printed information, such as a book, report, or letter. Its importance lies in its ability to transmit and preserve knowledge, facilitate communication and support decision making.
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