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Another effective way to use essential oils is to apply them topically. Make sure your oil has the Topical Application icon on its label before applying. This method works best when you have a specific area of ​​the body that needs relief. After you’ve diluted your essential oil with a carrier oil, apply it to the desired area and the oil will be absorbed into the body. Do not apply essential oils to sensitive parts of the body.


When applying essential oils topically, we recommend that you always use a carrier oil to protect your skin. Because our essential oils are authentic and pure, their high levels of concentration can irritate the skin when applied without a carrier oil. Olive, jojoba, avocado, sweet almond, grapeseed and fractionated coconut oil are a few great options. Remember, carrier oils do not limit the effectiveness of the essential oil in any way; they just safely transfer the oil to your skin.


  • Percentage
  • Drops of EO per ½ tsp carrier oil
  • 2%
  • 1-3 drops
  • 5%
  • 3-7drops
  • 10%
  • 8-15drops

Please consult this chart when applying essential oils topically to adults. For a dilution chart for children, please click here